Cobra Officer

Code Name: THE ENEMY

File Name: (UNKNOWN)
Primary Military Specialty: Infantry
Secondary Military Specialty: Artillery, Intelligence
Birthplace: Various Countries
Grade: O4 (or equivalent)

COBRA Officers are front-line fighters who lead COBRA attack units into battle. Many are also believed to be operating as spies at defense plants, nuclear power facilities, etc. All are martial arts experts, masters of disguise, deceit, and demolitions. Qualified Expert: AK-47 Assault Rifle; PM-63 Machine Pistol; M-16; Ingram M-11 Sub-machine gun.

"COBRA Officers are dedicated to destroying G.I.Joe and the American way of life. Beware...they are extremely dangerous enemies!"



My Personal Notes: What can I say?  These guys were always the fun cannon fodder of the Joes.  I admit, as is the case of a lot of the good guy/bad guy series, I liked the Cobra colors/logos/outfits probably more than the good guys, even if it isn't the most practical in combat conditions.  I have had and have enjoyed this guy since childhood.  I have had two of them.  One is the stiff arm ones from 82 (missing his logo and original gun, which I replaced from one from an accessory pack), the other is a swivel-arm battle grip from 83.
