Cobra Saboteur

Code Name: FIREFLY

File Name: Classified
Primary Military Specialty: Sabotage, Demolitions, and Terror
Birthplace: Classified

No one knows what Firefly's real name is or what he looks like. He is known by his work. Expert in all NATO and Warsaw Pact explosives and detonators. Always places his charges in the one place that affords maximum damage. There is no question about his infiltration skills since no one has ever reported seeing him enter or leave any target area.

"Even COBRA Commander doesn't know much about Firefly. His fees are paid into a numbered Swiss bank account and are always payable in advance. He makes no guarantees and gives no refunds."



My Personal Notes: Firefly was a cool tough guy/bad guy that I really enjoyed as a kid.  I lost the door to his backpack unfortunately, as well as his radio, which I replaced with one from the accessory pack.  I have had and have enjoyed this guy since childhood.
