

File Name: Bludd, Sebastian
Primary Military Specialty: Terrorist
Secondary Military Specialty: Weapons and Tactics
Birthplace: Sidney, Australia
Grade: 0-4 (Major)

Bludd received initial military training in the Australian Special Air Service. Later joined the French Foreign Legion. Worked as military advisor in a number of countries and is currently wanted for crimes in Rhodesia and Libya. Proficient with every form of infantry weapon in current use. Bludd has a tactical mind like a steel trap. Qualified Expert: All NATO and Warsaw Pact small arms.

Major Bludd writes poetry...badly: When you're feeling low and woozy/Slap a fresh clip in your Uzi!/Assume the proper firing stance/And make the suckers jump and dance! (from The Attica Gazette).



My Personal Notes: I think Major Bludd was one of the first "bad guys" I got in my collection.  I thought he was cool and appreciated his zany character in the cartoon series mostly.  I have had and have enjoyed this guy since childhood.
