Zartan's Sister

Code Name: ZARANA

Zarana is a professional assassin who gains access to her victims through skillful acting and masterful use of makeup and disguise. While her brother Zartan concentrates on the purely physical aspects of disguise, Zarana works from the method-actor's point of view; to completely become the object of her impersonation- to think, feel and react like another person. She is an expert in small arms, explosives and edged weapons. Like her two brothers, she also has the ability to change skin color.

"Zarana could have had a brilliant career on the professional stage id the evil in her nature hadn't been so strong. She throws tantrums, cuts ahead on lines, and never leaves a tip. She posed as an oral hygienist for six months on one assignment armed only with a reel of specially coated dental floss to incapacitate her unwitting victims. She escaped, dressed as a granny lady hobbling on a walker, right past the cops and into a cab. The cabbie remembered her... she didn't leave a tip."

My Personal Notes: Zartan was so cool as a kid that I also had to get Zandar and Zarana, his brother and sister.  They weren't as cool, but I liked them a lot none the less.  I find humor in their sort of florescent pastel colors, which was kind of the cool, rebellious theme of the '80s.  Zarana is complete with her rifle and back pack.
