Hostile Environment


File Name: Schnurr, Kurt
SN: 307-42-4683
Primary Military Specialty: CBR (Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare)
Secondary Military Specialty: Ordnance
Birthplace: New Haven, Connecticut
Grade: E-4

Kurt was the kid who could hold his breath the longest. He was also the kid who had the largest collection of plastic dinosaurs on the block. He was a weird kid who grew up to be an even stranger adult. It takes a might weird person to walk into a cloud of toxic gas strong enough to fell a mutant weight-lifter cockroach wearing a protective suit built under contract for the government by the lowest bidder.

"Airtight is an unreformed practical joker; sneezing powder, plastic barf, whoopee cushion-- the whole bit!! No prank is too low for him. You'd think that other Joes would hate his guts, but they don't. Because when the bad guys escalate the fire fight and start playing dirty, it's old Airtight who suits-up and wades into the thick of it."



My Personal Notes: Airtight has been a missing hole in my collection. He is a 2012 eBay acquisition.
