Missile Specialist

Code Name: BAZOOKA

File Name: Katzenbogen, David L.
SN: 112-40-0577
Primary Military Specialty: Armor Defeating Weapons Systems
Secondary Military Specialty: Tank driver
Birthplace: Hibbing, Minn.
Grade: E-5

Bazooka was driving Abrams tank in the "Third Horde" (Third Armored Div.) when he came to the realization that an illiterate farmer armed with a $200 disposable rocket launcher could knock out a million dollar tank with less than two weeks training. He put in for a transfer immediately.

Training: Advanced Infantry School, Fort Benning; Armor School, Fort Knox. Qualified Expert: Dragon Anti-Tank Missile, Milan System, LAW rocket, Recoilless rifle, LAW System and all Warsaw Pact RPG systems. Subject is also EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) qualified up to the tac-op category.

Subject is a decisive fast-thinker with all the instincts of a natural survivor.



My Personal Notes: Bazooka has been a missing hole in my collection. Always thought he was a cool Joe from the cartoon that I was missing.  He is a 2012 eBay acquisition.
