

File Name: Metzger, Wendell A.
SN: RA 368-10-0025
Primary Military Specialty: Infantry
Secondary Military Specialty: Drill Sergeant
Birthplace: Stromsburg, Nebraska
Grade: Gunnery Sergeant

Leatherneck was the hardest gunny that ever slogged through the mud of Camp Lejeune. Before that, he was the toughest drill sergeant on Paris Island. Before that, he was the roughest tech sergeant of the 1st Recon Bn* in Viet Nam. Before THAT, he was the meanest corporal in Gitmo. Civilian badness just doesn't count.

"He is uncouth, opinionated and overbearing. And he has no patience at all with the indecisive, the lazy and the dishonest. Not a man you can like, but one you can trust."

*Recon Battalion



My Personal Notes: I don't really think I liked Leatherneck much as a kid, and didn't have him in my collection.  I thought he was weird looking, and also when reading his card he struck me as a guy I wouldn't like.  Also, as I have said with other 1986 Joes, this was at the end of my G.I.Joe run as a kid (1986), and he mostly sat under my radar.  By that point, I felt I had a lot of Joes, and mostly worked to pickup the new Cobras to even things out more. He is a 2012 eBay acquisition.
