Counter Intelligence


File Name: O'Hara, Shana M.
SN: RA242967434
Primary Military Specialty: Intelligence
Secondary Military Specialty: Classified
Birthplace: Atlanta, Georgia
Grade: E-5

Scarlett's father and three brothers were martial arts instructors. She began her training at age 9 and was awarded her first black belt at age 15. Graduated: Advanced Infantry Training and Ranger School. Special Ed.: Covert Ops School; Marine Sniper School; Special Air Service School; Marine Tae Kwan Do Symposium; Qualified Expert: M-14; M-16; M-1911A1; M-79; M-3A1; M-700 (Remington Sniper Rifle); Mac-10; XK-1 Power Crossbow; Throwing Stars; Garotte; Ka-Bar.

"Scarlett is confident and's remarkable that a person so deadly can still retain a sense of humor."



My Personal Notes: Crazy thing is Scarlett was the first and one of the few Joes I got that was straight-armed.  I found her at a Montgomery Wards as I remember.  She stayed in great shape over the years, and what is funny, is that I have gotten more of her that were also straight armed.  As of this writing, I am not sure I have ever seen her with swivel arm in person.  Kind of funny I guess.  Anyway, she is complete with her bow and file card.
