Self-Propelled Gun Artilleryman

Code Name: THUNDER

File Name: Breckinridge, Matthew Harris
SN: RA135306694
Primary Military Specialty: Artillery
Secondary Military Specialty: Brandsman (Drummer)
Birthplace: Louisville, KY
Grade: E-5

Thunder grew up next door to a foundry. A probable explanation of his fondness for loud noises. When asked his reasons for going artillery, his reply was simply: "I want to hear them go bang." He has a passion for heavy metal rock and roll, peanut brittle and cars with bad mufflers.

"If you know where you are and you know where the enemy is, then artillery can be an exact science. But in the real world, artillery is half trigonometry and half blind luck. In other words, if you hit something take the credit. If you miss, write it off as margin of error."



My Personal Notes: Never had Thunder as a kid.  I was aware of him and the Slugger, but they pretty much slid under the radar.  Well, anyway I got both versions in early 2012 to fill those gaps.
