This is my page that shows my first Reprolabel Project, which is the Terrorcons.  I thought some of my Transformers could use a touch up, and who better to start with than them.  It has been a fun project, and I encourage more people to do it, if they have parts of their collection that could use a little help.

There are numerous steps I took to work on these guys.  It usually involved:

  1. Removing all of the old labels.

  2. Taking apart the robot.

  3. Soaking and thoroughly cleaning the plastic parts.

  4. Shining and polishing all the metal parts the best I can.  This usually involves sanding and buffing.

  5. Put the parts all back together.

  6. Putting on the new labels.

On the page I tried to document with pictures most everything I could.  This includes showing the before pictures, the taken apart and cleaned pictures, and finally the new and improved robot pictures, with their fresh new labels.  Enjoy, and thanks again to Reprolabels for making such as great product.  Visit my links page if you would like to visit their site for yourself.  Also, check back soon, after completing this one,  my next Repro project will be starting, the Mighty Menasaur.

Quick Links for navigation-








Above is the all important tool for this, my new sticker sheet.

I decided it was best to start with the accessories. In the picture is all the Abominus accessories, taken apart and cleaned up.



Abominus shield/chestplate completely taken apart and cleaned up.

A bottom view of the shield after it is put back together.



Here is a before shot of the shield.  Note the yellow stickers.

After.  Perfection!!





A before shot of Blot in creature mode.  Notice the leg stickers.  Very worn and in the wrong place in some instances.

Another before shot of Blot in robot mode.



Blot dissected.  Lots of parts and screws here.  I don't think you really realize there are quite so many until it is all taken apart.

Here is a side view of his body and the metal fasteners.  You really need to go to the big picture to see it.  It had a lot of corrosion,  I used a Dremel like tool to sand it out, but the down side is the metal is still scuffed.



The finished product.  A clean nice looking Blot in Creature mode.

A new and clean Blot in Robot mode.  Notice the leg stickers I pointed out earlier.





A before shot of Cutthroat in creature mode.

Another before shot of Cutthroat in robot mode.  As you can see, sticker wear is prevalent on all stickers.



Cutthroat dissected.  He was pretty much the easiest of the Terrorcons.

A back view of Cutthroat showing his nice new shiny screws and Decepticon logos.



The finished product.  A clean nice looking Cutthroat in Creature mode.

A new and clean Cutthroat in Robot mode.  All the stickers look nice now.





A before shot of Rippersnapper in creature mode.  Notice the sticker wear is pretty bad.  Also, with his color, you can see he is very dirty.

Another before shot of Rippersnapper in robot mode.  Stickers are Horri-bull.  (pun intended)



Rippersnapper dissected.  Lots of parts and screws here.  I don't think you really realize there are quite so many until it is all taken apart.

Working on it.....



The finished product.  A clean nice looking Rippersnapper in Creature mode.

A new and clean Rippersnapper in Robot mode.  Notice the leg stickers I pointed out earlier.





A before shot of Sinnertwin in creature mode.  He was probably in the best condition of all of my Terrorcons, even though he was far from perfect himself.

Another before shot of Sinnertwin in robot mode.  Clean me or else!!



Sinnertwin dissected.  Another with lots of parts and screws.  None of these guys compare to the leader however, Hungrrr.

Just a repeat for now....



The finished product.  A clean nice looking Sinnertwin in Creature mode.  He even found his missing Flame Cannon during the cleaning process.

A new and clean Sinnertwin in Robot mode.  He changed hands with his gun, but I am not telling him.



