The War for Cybertron game/story is the first thing I have been really excited about in Transformers for a very long time.  While it isn't Generation 1, it doesn't deviate so far from the original source materials that it almost does seem feasible to be pre Gen 1.  I loved the game for the most part, and was really big on the new character designs.  Not to keep repeating myself, but these designs look to me like they could translate to Gen 1 Transformers once they crashed on Earth and Teletran1 got a hold of them.

It seems like High Moon Studios/Activision and Hasbro didn't really give the fans much to work with, but they did release a lot to the press that after tons of digging across the web, I was able to dig up for the most part.  This is mostly just tech specs and images, but I am posting the best of what I have found, as well as the incredible toys they have slowly been releasing.


AIR RAID - Autobot
Class: Scout
Chassis: Jet
Primary Weapon: EMP Shotgun
Abilities: Guided Missile, Dash
Description: Fearless and rash, Air Raid is always ready for a fight. He prefers diving head first into a pack of Decepticons rather than shooting them from afar because it’s more fun.

That is his only real goal in life; to have fun. This attitude always seems to place him and his fellows in danger, but he always manages to get himself and his friends out of it.

BARRICADE - Decepticon
Class: Scout
Chassis: Car
Primary Weapon: Neutron Repeater
Abilities: Shockwave, Cloak
Description: Barricade is a true speed demon, powering his engine to speeds faster than some jets. He is a brutal leader on the battlefield, scolding Decepticons that do not perform up to his and Megatron’s standards. His favorite tactic is to goad Autobots into transforming and chasing him, then taking the Autobots on fatal routes that only he can navigate.

BRAWL - Decepticon
Class: Soldier
Chassis: Tank
Primary Weapon: Neutron Repeater
Abilities: Whirlwind, Dash
Description: Brawl is Megatron’s pet weapon of mass destruction. He loves nothing more than ripping Autobots limb from limb. He is obsessed with explosions and chaotic, unending combat.

Brawl often times thrusts himself to the frontlines of battle at the risk of his own spark, not caring whether he lives or dies as long as he takes an Autobot with him.

BREAKDOWN - Decepticon
Class: Scout
Chassis: Car
Primary Weapon: EMP Shotgun
Abilities: Shockwave, Dash
Description: Breakdown is a very capable Decepticon warrior, but has one main underlying problem. He is extremely paranoid that everyone and everything is out to get him.

Being in crowded places is nerve wracking for Breakdown, as he feels like everyone is staring at him, judging him. He just wants to blend in and do the duty that the Decepticons require of him in anonymity.

Class: Scout
Chassis: Car
Primary Weapon:

DEMOLISHER - Decepticon
Primary Weapon:

IRON HIDE - Autobot
Class: Soldier
Chassis: Truck
Primary Weapon: EMP Shotgun
Abilities: Whirlwind, Dash
Description: Ironhide is the oldest Autobot on the team. He is the slowest Autobot on the team. He is also the meanest, toughest, orneriest Autobot on the team.

He is most definitely yesterday’s model, but he was built to last – seemingly forever. He is a soldier, first and foremost, but his tough exterior hides a deep compassion for life. He is one of Optimus’ most trusted advisors on all matters.

JAZZ - Autobot
Primary Weapon:

JETFIRE - Autobot
Class: Scientist
Chassis: Jet
Primary Weapon: Neutron Repeater
Abilities: Whirlwind, Dash
Description: Jetfire is dedicated to the pursuit of science and believes technology will ultimately give the Autobots victory over the Decepticons.

Jetfire keeps himself completely cutting edge and up to date, making him the fastest Autobot ever created. Jetfire became an Autobot after disagreeing with the methods used by the Decepticons and Starscream in particular.

MEGATRON - Decepticon
Class: Leader
Chassis: Tank
Primary Weapon: Fusion Cannon, Dark Energon Morningstar
Abilities: Drain and Mark Target
Description: Megatron is the very powerful and utterly ruthless leader of the Decepticons. His imposing robot form is dominated by his primary weapon - his arm-mounted fusion cannon, capable of leveling a city.

Primary Weapon:

ONSLAUGHT - Decepticon
Primary Weapon:

Class: Leader
Chassis: Truck
Primary Weapon: Ion Blaster, Energon Double Axe
Abilities: Warcry and Mark Target
Description: Though Optimus is a powerful and respected Transformer at the start of War For Cybertron, he is not yet the leader of the Autobots. After a devastating Decepticon attack on his home city of Iacon, Optimus is forced to step up and help lead his people to victory – wherever that might be.

RATCHET - Autobot
Primary Weapon:

SCATTERSHOT - Decepticon
Primary Weapon:

SHOCKWAVE - Decepticon
Primary Weapon:

Class: Soldier
Chassis: Car
Primary Weapon: Neutron Repeater
Abilities: Spawn Sentry Turret, Hover
Description: Sideswipe is built for speed. Whether that’s in combat or out of it, he moves fast. Very fast. He enjoys the thrill of battle, but more for the sport and competitiveness than the end goal.

Being very competitive, Sideswipe will do anything he can to win, cheating notwithstanding. Nothing is out of the question when everything is on the line. Some call him reckless and brash, but he does what it takes to win. Every time.

Class: Scout
Chassis: Jet
Primary Weapon: Photon Burst Rifle
Abilities: Shockwave, Barrier
Description: SilverBolt is a grim and brave warrior, who often worries more about his teammates than himself.

He is courageous, can fly at break-neck speeds and truly believes in the Autobot cause. He would die in defense of his friends if given the opportunity.

SKYWARP - Decepticon
Class: Scout
Chassis: Jet
Primary Weapon: Thermo Rocket Launcher
Abilities: Cloak, Dash
Description: Skywarp possesses cloaking technology which he uses to sow destruction upon his enemies.

Skywarp isn’t the most intelligent Transformers character in the Decepticon force, so he needs to be continually guided and told what to do. Regardless, once set upon a path, Skywarp will achieve his goal with quiet, ruthless efficiency.

STARSCREAM - Decepticon
Chassis: Jet
Primary Weapon:
Abilities: Hover, Shockwave

Class: Scientist
Chassis: Jet
Primary Weapon: Neutron Repeater
Abilities: Spawn Sentry Turret, Barrier
Description: Serving alongside Starscream and Skywarp, Thundercracker is a part of the main force of the flying fleet of the Decepticons. Thundercracker despises those that cannot take flight and views himself as being superior to those that cannot.

He reigns supreme in the air, having excellent skills in aerial combat and maneuvers. Thundercracker sometimes questions the Decepticon cause, but imagining Megatron’s wrath always quiets his discontent.

TRYPTICON - Decepticon
Primary Weapon:

WARPATH - Autobot
Class: Soldier
Chassis: Tank
Primary Weapon: Neutron Repeater
Abilities: Guided Missile, Barrier
Description: Warpath is loud, confident, skilled and devoted to his fellow Autobots. He is also partially deaf from his amazingly large cannon. His favorite past time is showing his friends how he can split a hex nut a mile and a half away with his tank gun. Extremely well armored to go along with his extreme stubbornness and thick skull, Warpath always loves to press the battle to the Decepticons.

Toys: (Below is the toy images with Hasbro descriptions for each.)

My Collection:

Description: When he first became leader of the AUTOBOTS, OPTIMUS PRIME was not certain he wanted the responsibility. The war with the DECEPTICONS was going badly, and it looked like there was no end in sight. He vowed to himself and to the warriors under his command that he would never surrender, never retreat, and never stop fighting until the DECEPTICONS were defeated.

Race into action with this fearsome CYBERTRONIAN OPTIMUS PRIME figure! In robot mode with his “rifle” that converts to a blaster accessory, this fighter is as tough as they come. When it’s time to chase down his enemies, convert him to armored truck vehicle mode and attach the weapon accessory to him so he can “tear up the streets” in hot pursuit!

Heroic robot fighter converts from fierce robot mode to armored truck vehicle mode — and back again! Blaster accessory attaches to vehicle!

Description: Before he was the silent warrior he is today, BUMBLEBEE was a nonstop chatterbox, charged with carrying the most vital AUTOBOT communications. He was a fearless infiltrator of enemy lines who stuck to the shadows and faded into the background despite his bright yellow armor. His spirit was unbreakable and his friendly humor was invaluable during the first dark days of the war.

Race into action with this fearsome CYBERTRONIAN BUMBLEBEE figure! In robot mode with his deployable blade accessories, this fighter is as tough as they come. When it’s time to chase down his enemies, convert him to Cybertronian Courier vehicle mode so he can “tear up the streets” in hot pursuit!

Heroic robot fighter converts from fierce robot mode to speedy Cybertronian Courier vehicle mode — and back again!

MEGATRON - Decepticon
Description: MEGATRON rebuilds himself continuously. When the war first began on CYBERTRON, he constantly applied new modifications to catch the AUTOBOTS unaware and under prepared. His spies are always on the lookout for new tech that will optimize his body into the perfect war machine. He is the bleeding edge of technology on CYBERTRON, and his enemies will pay the price for not keeping up.

Turn the tables on the good guys when you throw this warrior into the fight! Your CYBERTRONIAN MEGATRON figure is dedicated to destroying any opponent and his launching missile accessory will help you two get the job done. If robot combat turns into a chase, convert your villain into Cybertronian tank vehicle mode. His tank "treads" convert to hover engine accessories to make him a virtually unstoppable fighter!

Description: Even before the war, CLIFFJUMPER was constantly spoiling for a fight. The DECEPTICONS just gave him an excuse. He’s been bending fenders and smashing heads for years now, and the fun never stops. Despite his short temper, he gets along well with the other AUTOBOTS, who appreciate his eagerness to take the first shot in every battle.

Turn the tables on enemy forces when you throw this warrior into the fight! Your CLIFFJUMPER figure is dedicated to destroying any opponent and deploying blades will help you two get the job done. If the “hand-to-hand” robot action turns into a chase, convert your fighter into Cybertronian racer vehicle mode and send him speeding off to rule the “streets”!

SOUNDWAVE - Decepticon
Description: SOUNDWAVE is one of the most sophisticated electronics and communications experts on CYBERTRON. His body is heavily armored and shielded to protect the sensitive communications gear hidden within, where he stores every byte of information he collects. He is a living storehouse of secrets. No one trusts him, but everyone understands that the data he holds could destroy them all.

Turn the tables on the good guys when you throw this warrior into the fight! Your CYBERTRONIAN SOUNDWAVE figure is dedicated to destroying any opponent. If robot combat turns into a chase, take his "cannons" of his storage compartment and convert your villain into armored vehicle tank vehicle mode. His cannon accessories mount on his vehicle hood to make him a virtually unstoppable fighter!

Battle-ready robot-to-vehicle figure converts from robot mode with "weapon" storage to armored vehicle mode with "cannons" that mount on the vehicle hood -- and back again!

DARKMOUNT - Decepticon
Description: Few robots achieve the same legendary status as MEGATRON, but DARKMOUNT is one. He is just as famous on CYBERTRON as the impenetrable fortress that bears his name. From there, he ruled his small corner of the machine world with an iron fist, controlling his subjects with an equal measure of fear and pain. So terrible was his rule that even MEGATRON gave him a wide berth, and treated him with the respect due to an equal.

Turn the tables on the good guys when you throw this warrior into the fight! Your DARKMOUNT figure is dedicated to destroying any opponent he just might have the power to get the job done. If robot combat turns into a chase, convert your villain into half-track vehicle mode with a cannon accessory. His tank "cannon" even converts to a battle-axe accessory to make him a virtually unstoppable fighter! Battle-ready robot-to-vehicle figure converts from robot mode to half-track vehicle mode -- and back again!

**NOTE**: Yes, I know Darkmount isn't in the game, and technically shouldn't be on this page, but I decided he did deserve to be on here, and since this is my site, I win. I have numerous reasons why....  He was a great part of the Marvel "Return to Cybertron" (one of my favorite Transformer story lines) story that this sites name (TheSmeltingPool) comes from for one. For another, he dies in that story, and never does come to Earth, so he is a true "Cybertronian". Also, with his release in the same timeframe/releases of the other Cybertronian figures in the "Generations" line, it makes sense. I also like that by adding him at this stage in the toy releases, it evens out the sides (3 Autobots, 3 Decepticons).  Finally, I feel he would fit into the game story nicely, and very well could fit into a sequel if its made.

AIR RAID - Autobot
Description: Not even the long war for CYBERTRON has robbed AIR RAID of the joy he takes in simply hovering around, enjoying the scenery. He’s a terrible gunner – distracted as he is by the natural beauty of the world around him – but he makes up for it by filling the air with flak, making it impossible for enemy aircraft to advance.

Convert, arm and attack with all the TRANSFORMERS action you can handle! This AIR RAID figure is just the AUTOBOT to create maximum trouble for his DECEPTICON enemies (other figures sold separately). In Cybertronian mobile artillery mode, your AIR RAID figure has the firepower he needs to defeat his enemies. But in robot mode, his swords will make him nearly invincible in battle – and they combine into a triple blade! Whether he’s in robot mode or vehicle mode, his enemies will think twice before taking him on!

Awesome AIR RAID figure converts from Cybertronian mobile artillery mode to robot mode and back! Comes with swords! Swords combine into a triple blade!

BLASTER - Autobot
Description: Autobot Blaster has amassed an incredible collection of music from across the galaxy. From hundreds of worlds, he's gathered the loudest, fastest, most brutal, earsplitting, guitar-shredding rock-and-roll he could find. When you charge into battle alongside Autobot Blaster, you are accompanied by a thunderous soundtrack of which even the mightiest viking would approve.

This dynamic duo will be your fiercest Autobot team yet! Your Autobot Blaster figure converts from dangerous robot mode to communications truck mode, where he can launch his sonic assaults on his Decepticon enemies. At his side is a tough Steeljaw figure, who ejects from data disc mode at the touch of a button to auto-convert to robot mode! Together they’ll make double trouble for the Decepticons, and the outcome of the battle is all up to you!

EJECT - Autobot
Description: Eject honestly believes that if the Autobots and the Decepticons could just agree to resolve their disputes through some friendly competition, then the entire war could be brought to an end. Ramhorn disagrees. He’d rather spike a Decepticon on his horn than spike a ball in the end zone.

Pop into some "explosive" Transformers action with these special Eject and Ramhorn figures! These Autobot warriors lie in wait in sneaky data disc mode until an unsuspecting Decepticon comes by. With the push of a button, these Eject and Ramhorn figures come flying out in robot mode! Will the Decepticons be able to handle your lightning-quick Eject and Ramhorn figures? Only you can decide!

Pack includes 2 figures and 2 data discs.

GRIMLOCK - Autobot
Description: There was a time when the rage that boils inside Grimlock would have driven him straight to the ranks of the Decepticons. But while his flawed manner of speaking may make him sound strange, he’s smart enough to recognize a bully when he sees one – and Grimlock doesn’t like bullies. It’s this that fuels his dedication to the fight against the Decepticons.

This dynamic dino will be your fiercest Autobot yet! Your Grimlock figure converts from dangerous robot mode to Tyrannosaurus Rex mode, with glowing eyes and mouth and a monster chomping jaw! Keep converting him back and forth so his Decepticon enemies can’t keep up with him!

JAZZ - Autobot
Description: AUTOBOT JAZZ is gifted with a flair for flexible thinking and improvisation, making him the ideal special operations commander for the AUTOBOTS. OPTIMUS PRIME entrusts him with the most sensitive missions, counting on his keen mind and natural leadership to accomplish even the most dangerous objectives, no matter what.

The battle between AUTOBOT and DECEPTICON is never over, and this AUTOBOT JAZZ figure is the next generation of awesome TRANSFORMERS action! Your AUTOBOT JAZZ figure comes armed with his special ops skills and a blaster pistol that will make any DECEPTICON think twice about taking him on. But when he needs to be on the move for dangerous missions, convert him to speedy Cybertronian racer mode! Keep converting him back and forth so he can handle whatever his DECEPTICON enemies try to dish out! Figure converts from robot mode to vehicle mode and back! Includes blaster pistol accessory! Cybertronian racer mode!

Description: Confronted with the inevitable decline of his homeworld into a long period of frozen, powerless hibernation, Optimus Prime faces a terrible choice: Stay and fight to the finish, only to fall into stasis alongside his world; or evacuate, and hope that the Decepticons pursue him into space so that the planet has time to heal.

The battle between AUTOBOT and DECEPTICON is never over, and this OPTIMUS PRIME figure is the next generation of awesome TRANSFORMERS action! Your OPTIMUS PRIME figure comes armed with an ion cannon that will make any DECEPTICON think twice about taking him on. But when he needs to be on the move, convert him to Cybertronian truck mode! Keep converting him back and forth so he can handle whatever his DECEPTICON enemies try to dish out!

Figure converts from robot mode to vehicle mode and back! Includes ion cannon!

RAMHORN - Autobot
Description: Eject honestly believes that if the Autobots and the Decepticons could just agree to resolve their disputes through some friendly competition, then the entire war could be brought to an end. Ramhorn disagrees. He’d rather spike a Decepticon on his horn than spike a ball in the end zone.

Pop into some "explosive" Transformers action with these special Eject and Ramhorn figures! These Autobot warriors lie in wait in sneaky data disc mode until an unsuspecting Decepticon comes by. With the push of a button, these Eject and Ramhorn figures come flying out in robot mode! Will the Decepticons be able to handle your lightning-quick Eject and Ramhorn figures? Only you can decide!

Pack includes 2 figures and 2 data discs.

REWIND - Autobot
Description: Autobot Rewind remembers everything. This makes him an excellent spy, though data overload often causes crushing headaches. Luckily, Sunder is there, to soothe his friend’s aching circuits with the gentle thunder of the dubstep beats he loves.

Pop into some "explosive" Transformers action with these special Autobot Rewind and Sunder figures! These Autobot warriors lie in wait in sneaky data disc mode until an unsuspecting Decepticon comes by. With the push of a button, these Autobot Rewind and Sunder figures come flying out in robot mode! Will the Decepticons be able to handle your lightning-quick Autobot Rewind and Sunder figures? Only you can decide!

Pack includes 2 figures and 2 data discs.

SUNDER - Autobot
Description: Autobot Rewind remembers everything. This makes him an excellent spy, though data overload often causes crushing headaches. Luckily, Sunder is there, to soothe his friend’s aching circuits with the gentle thunder of the dubstep beats he loves.

Pop into some "explosive" Transformers action with these special Autobot Rewind and Sunder figures! These Autobot warriors lie in wait in sneaky data disc mode until an unsuspecting Decepticon comes by. With the push of a button, these Autobot Rewind and Sunder figures come flying out in robot mode! Will the Decepticons be able to handle your lightning-quick Autobot Rewind and Sunder figures? Only you can decide!

Pack includes 2 figures and 2 data discs.

Other Images:










Fall of Cybertron:


In progress, coming soon! Here's the trailer in the meantime:
